This is SO classic.
You're lying if you don't think so.
Best part of the ad is, it helps to shine light on why people are voting for him. You niggas don't even KNOW that he's been flip-flopping on his political platform since he's been elected as an Illinois State Senator in 1997! And even FURTHER MORE since 2004 when he was elected as one of the two Senators to represent IL in the U.S. Senate! LOL, but you're going to vote for him. Oooooookay. Go ahead, vote for him because he's black. Vote for him because he'll give all Blacks a pedestal and reparations checks. Vote for him because he'll bring change by sitting on the fence with most issues in America he's presented with. Go 'head, do THAT.
May come back and edit this later though.
Here's a conclusion to this post for you niggas.
It seems blogspot is a new "fad" in the internet world. So, if you find a nigga's blog like hmmmmm... let's say mine. And you enjoy it. Introduce yourself if you're commenting. If you're on some daily basis shit, looking at my blog on some daily basis shit, being linked through Lizzy or Mai's blogs... shorty, don't bother.
I don't want to be a part of this extended circle, and to be honest if yeen got anything beneficial to me; you can go ahead and fuck off. In truth, you niggas that just suddenly started hitting me out of the blue because "reading everyone on everyone's lists blogs" is the new fucking trend, you all need to die an extra super-snail slow death. It's NOT the business, no matter HOW cool you think you are because you have XYZ amount of people on your "blogs I read" section in the span of two months. Y'all are mad shallow, and I can't keep ignorance in my circle 'cuh. So back down for a couple minutes. Re-evaluate why you're actually sitting here looking at 30+ people's blogs a day, and fall back. If you're commenting my shit, and I ain't comment you first... or you just state your ignorant opinion on my comments. I'm gonna air your silly ass out.
Otherwise, that's all.
Expect Diamonds soon.
Fucking classic bashing ad.
Except this one is true.
I can't wait to see all the people crumble when he doesn't get the vote. Society is so hell bent on him making history "becoming the first black president" that they couldn't care less about the issues he supposedly supports or opposes.
This reminds me of when Carmine said the election should be canceled.
Really isn't a point to have one when most people are voting on race.
I'm not voting for him ... because he's black. Lol, nah. I can't even vote in this country yet but I probably could by the time it rolls around. Either way, he doesn't get my vote. I support what he's trying to do, but I don't think he would make a good president.
Everyone loves him because he's black. I don't love him for that same reason. Same thing with everyone wanting her simply because she's a woman. When decisions are based on race and gender I can't really get down with that.
I don't like McCain's stances on the issues either sooo it's a lose-lose for me.
I'm not voting in this election.
Sue me.
even if all the black people in america voted for his ass, i know he ain't gonna be pres.
if by some miracle he is, i have a feeling he'll be assassinated. =/
we live in a racist country, point blank.
Missing the point x 52 for the last comment.
He's a bothway idiot
A bothway candidate
He even likes his women, bothways...
alvin and the chipmunks though?!?
I think that's cutest shit ever.
i get the point.
he's playing both sides of the fence so to speak.
Mhm... who are you anyway?
The edit though, lol.
nice to meet you sir.
LMAO that last part wasn't on there the last time I was around, was it?
That's when it becomes un-fun.
I know it's not a word and I don't care.
I'm sayin nigga. It's getting out of hand. Shit makes me shake my head and facepalm.
Especially at the post above yours.
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