Friday, August 13, 2010

Chill Out

Waking up from last night's events made me realize something. This something being one of the coolest things I've experienced in my short twenty-two years on this planet.

I went to a concert down in St. Louis last night featuring XV, Donnis, and Chiddy Bang. With that being said, of course they killed the show. Murdered. Annihilated. So on, so forth. But what made last night so damn cool was the surprise of seeing, sitting with, and picking the brains of each of these artists.
They were completely relaxed and chilled out. Spoke with the fans, took pictures, then took the time out to relax with us. I must say I was amazed, and with it the experience quickly shot to the top of my list of awesome. Needless to say, it is bar none the best concert I've ever attended.
Best part of the night aside from one of the baddest broads in the venue inching up on me and trying to get me to take her home? I'd have to say when XV took all his photos with the few fans outside, walked over to my table, shook my hand, and proceeded to sit down and talk with me and a few of my boys for 15 minutes. Yes, it was that subtle. And yes, it was that fucking amazing.
Much love to these guys, keep doing your thing.
"Don't you feel so awesome?"

Monday, July 19, 2010

Oh, How I Lie...

It's been a while, forgive me. If you would just listen for a moment, let me explain my absence. Don't be too critical.

A lot has happened since my last update, and to be completely honest it may be a tad too uninteresting and much to detail in this singular conversation with you. Everything between major fuck ups, broken relationships, reformed loves, leaps of maturity, and throws of intellectual growth all lent their hand to me shying away from this site. Maybe I shouldn't have left. In all honesty, I don't believe anyone still checks this. And if they do, it may be through blogger's random blog functionality. But that's fine, as long as you enjoy yourself when you read through what I've written.
Long story short, I've missed having an outlet for myself to let loose. Friends can only do so much. Family is the same, as well as with the women. So I'll be back more frequently. I just hope the sentence I just typed isn't a complete lie to myself.
As I'm extremely exhausted, and need sleep for my class in the AM, I'll leave you with this.
I have missed you much, don't fret love. I'm back.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Not Coming Back

Refer to the new "blog".

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Imperial Rain (Do NOT Read)

Imperial Rain

Imperial Rain, published in Science Illustrated's Nov./Dec. 2009 edition, details how a cave in central China provided information that helped explain the rises and falls of dynasties within. In short, a geochemist of the University of Minnesota (Hai Cheng), analyzed rock formations in the Wanxiang cave in the Ginsu province of China. Cheng and his party of researchers from native Chinese universities such as Lanzhou, Nanjing Normal, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences; discovered the chemical composition of a stalagmite in the Wanxiang cave recorded the periodic variations in precipitation over the last 2,000 years in that area. This being important due to the fact stalagmites and stalactites are formed through dripping rain water (from above through the ground) in caves, and the residue of calcium carbonate residue left behind. For this reason, stalagmites and stalactites are accurate archives for precipitation.
The specific Wanxiang stalagmites Hai Cheng discovered had very distinct characteristics. These characteristics included a high growth rate and a high ratio of elements used to date cave formations. The identifiers this sample held could be used to discover more information about the summer monsoons, rainfall, and times of drought in China's history. Using the data found with the stalagmite sample, Cheng was able to confirm three of five dynasties collapsed after decades of "poor" rain seasons. Even so, he also confirmed one of the most prosperous times in China's history (during the reign of the Northern Song dynasty) corresponded with 1,000 years of ample precipitation rates.
In all, this research not only went on to prove and confirm some of the mystery as to why there were declines in China's history... but also helped to support research of other civilizations in other regions of the world. Finding declines in civilizations due to weather is intriguing research. Whether the factors most prominent are temperature or precipitation, both can lead to detriments in a nation's well-being.
While reading through this article, I was not very captured by the author's prose. Even then, I am not even sure who wrote this piece as there is no indication as to who produced it.
The hook was quaint, and told the back story of the lead researcher (Cheng). This set up more slight back story as to China's history and their dynasties. As the author began explaining scientific processes such as precipitation variations seen in stalagmites/stalactites, and low-pressure systems creating monsoons; the article became quite interesting. The author then countered the fascinating part of the article with a Bible-esque run-down of the dynasties (descendants), and "brief" explanations of what happened to each. This was only ended by a subpar conclusion detailing reasons as to WHY the summer monsoons in China have been deteriorating... but only as theories. This single factor brought the entire article down, in my opinion. Paired alongside slightly repetitive storytelling and a lacking vernacular, I view the article as average after the interest.

Monday, November 2, 2009

I Can't Feel My Face

I lied, I fucking can. The numbness has worn off. I actually probably need some vicodin. I mean... after I finish up the final draft of this paper that I THINK is due at 6 PM tonight. I'm seriously debating not going at all. Then again, I need to. Man, fuck wisdom teeth. This feeling is very awkward and unsettling. Maybe not as bad as someone else's perspective of awkward... but I don't like it.

Help me, someone.

I'll get more in depth later on, when I don't feel like ripping out these stitches. It really is as bad as they say. Like when women have five kids and they can't remember what the pain was like the FIRST time when describing it to a new mother. "Oh yeah, the pain isn't that bad." Well, with wisdom teeth, day three is the worst. Lord help you if you ever get all four cut out at the same time... Though, in that light. I wish I had more of that nitrous.

P.S. it's been three days.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Reclaim & Relive

Main Entry: re·claim
Pronunciation: \ri-ˈklām\
Function: transitive verb
2 a : to rescue from an undesirable state; also : to restore to a previous natural state

Feels a bit important to start off with that definition. I've been feeling as if my mind has ran away from me, at least as of late. So much to do with so little time. Albeit, work or classes. Maintaining connections with people I have grown wary of, or seeing a family member through a sickness. It almost feels as if I want what I can't have, and have what I don't want. Responsibility is no problem, it is moreso the weight it presents your fragile shoulders as the mass beings to amplify as you find time to actually relax and reflect. But that is for another entry. No time for pity parties. Things always change, soon my situation may take a turn for the better.

Main Entry: re·live
Pronunciation: \(ˌ)rē-ˈliv\
Function: transitive verb
: to live over again; especially : to experience again in the imagination

With the subtle amount of time I have been able to apply to the thought & meditation processes, this word trends alongside them. If I could do THAT differently... If I could have say something differently to her... If I didn't completely steer my goals off the road... Something like that. I feel strange for having those thoughts. I mean, I'll never be able to "redo" any major part of my life. I guess it's just a hypothetical standpoint. Life is a blessing or a bitch. Maybe dreaming doing the right thing is good for someone? Or just a sick realization that things have not been as positive as they could be.

Lol, a tad somber. I apologize. I know about 0-2 people still use blogger so it doesn't actually matter too much. But I'm not trying to soil anyone's mood. So, all I can do right now is think. Maybe about better days, as the light at the end of the tunnel seems a tad far off. Just sayin'.

Much love,