Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Dopest Shit Out


Dopest song/video out NOW.

Gnarls Barkley has been a favorite of mine since DJ Danger Mouse and Cee-Lo teamed up. Even before Cee-Lo was a part of the duo, he was dope. As was Danger Mouse (you know, GREY Album fame).

The song is a SICK metaphor and reality for most ended relationships. And although the whole background behind the video is cliche' with the whole break-up situation, EVERYONE can relate to it. The video is nothing less than epic, and the song is ridiculously hot.

I expect nothing less from Gnarls Barkley.

Give the video a chance, watch its full duration. Go download the song. And when the album drops, cop it! It's building up to be a great Fall/Winter session for music. Support the cause!

Otherwise, I'm on chill until my next class at 12:15.

Another entry is written in the LP blog, make sure you peep it. You can tell by the tone who it's for. ANYWAY, hit me up on Y! . I need some conversation before my next class.



What I copped for the kid, I OD'd with just that.

You're 18 now, gah damn. I remember when you were a young'n. Cool times god, I just can't believe you're an adult now. From Mississippi to Hawaii you've had my back despite all the snakes & bitches. You're the one constant, and I can't thank you enough for being there trough the valleys and peaks. I have your present stashed away, so when you read this just ask where it is. You know I couldn't forget you, even if you didn't get me anything. Let's have a fantastic day, and go watch The Dark Knight together.

Congratulations on your completion of your first semester of college. You're summing up to be a greater man than I could ever be. I've always said that, so take it to heart. You're built for great things, even if you can get on my final nerve at times. Stay cool, calm, & collected like the eldest and I assure you; you will make your mark soon enough. Keep your head up! Happy Birthday once again!



Lizzy said...

Gahhhh, I loveee loveeee loveee this video :D

-favorites it

NAP said...

Hot like fiyahhhhhhhhhh!

Thank me later cuzzzzzz.

stacey. said...

I <3 Gnarls Barkley.

You should've picked the Garth & Wayne picture. That totally rocks. I would have bothered you but I don't have your Y! Noah, ftl. Hope class was fun (-giggles-) and stuffs.

CM said...

What the fuck? I better get this and then some December 20th, bro.

NAP said...

Nigga didn't even appreciate it.

At least I remembered his birthday?


NAP said...

The Y! is


by the way.