Fuck the other post (Chi), I didn't ever really plan on finishing that one. It was spur of the moment, and was just going to speak on some new improvements with various shit going on with me. But I'll save that for another time.
Moving along.
First order of business, the wedding!
Mayn, I'm not even sure if I should release these pictures... or at least not all of them until I get everyone's pictures from the reception and such. But here's a quick run-down of events.
Firstly, the 3 and a half hour drive to Dyersburg, TN. Son, I was DYING in that bitch. With no mp3 player present, I was forced to watch DVDs of shit I've seen 100 times prior to this trip. Thank God for portable DVD players + Alice in Wonderland, Hero, & Kill Bill Vol. 1. It's surprising how sickly KB Vol. 1 is as you watch it more and more. I mean, I actually counted each person she killed out of the Crazy 88s, and she actually put down 88 Asians. Uma Thurman is my fucking role model.
Secondly the "hotel". Lololzozlool. It had a "pool" at least. Got my swim on. Their "hot breakfast" was super lame to say the least. Their eggs... were like hardboiled eggs. So I trekked my ass down the way...
Fuck I'll be right back. I have to go escort these noobs to see Hancock.
...back to business. Went to a different hotel, jacked their breakfast. Tried coffee for the first time, coffee isn't for me. Trust that. Don't understand the coffee hype. Maybe it's just me.
And then, the wedding at 4 PM. It took 20 minutes in total. Thank God... hol' up! A nigga had to take pictures. "Oh Noah, you're my favorite cousin! You guys HAVE to stick around!" She's lucky I have MAD love for her. Maybe I'll post a pic of her and me later. Much later.
After the fam' bam group pictures, then came the reception. Quaint place, it was cool. Was there for about a hour and a half, then I found the wine. Downed two bottles for dolo in about 45 minutes. I was so far gone. But ehhh, I had fun at least on my behalf. Danced, the whole nine. I can't remember anything past the talk with Daniel, the Village People, and asking Ashley to dance/watching Mary and Kendra do their duet. SMH, don't ask. So I figured I blacked out.
Guess I was wrong. I wake up to my parents pissed at me because I'm "a silly drunk" and my mother hates that. Blah blah, long story short. I cussed the whole family out, my true feelings towards the three came to light and they didn't like it. End of that discussion. Oh, oh, oh. And they expect me to apologize and vow to never drink again. I don't do promises B, ever. So after Hancock at the movie theatre today, I got scorned to Hell & back thanks to Miles bringing that situation back up.
Something about...
"I wonder why noone wore a white suit to the wedding."
Uh, because it's mad tacky?
You'd have to be fresh like me to pull some shit off like that.
"You weren't fresh on the car ride home."
Yeah? Fuck you, you, and you.
I really don't have time for the bullshit. I blacked out. If I cussed you out, sorry? That's all I can do/say. I mean, I can't remember anything past the Village People. Keep bringing it up nigga, one more time. I'm sure I can muster another slew on slurred profanities to crush your already low-self esteem. Fucking shit. How many times do I have to apologize? I'm sure if I remembered shit clear as day, I would be able to recount how horrific it was at least from your perspective. But I truly don't know what was said, what I did past that point in time already addressed, or anything else. If I hurt your feelings, I truly am sorry and hope you can see past that in the very near future. I'm not a drinker, never have been and never will be. But Jesus, does this shit have to be ran into the ground? Forgive and forget, or fuck off.
Either way, here's a picture.
I'll get back to you tomorrow after I smoke, and everything dies down. I don't think I'll be doing anything tomorrow, there's just no point anymore.
You looked like a freshly made pimp in that suit, man.
-laughs all the way to the bank with that one...
carmine is lame.
Anyway, ys that picture is very nice along with your banner.
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