The highlight of that picture is obscenely obvious. It's obviously not my watered down winamp playlist. It's not the cluttered desktop. So it's OBVIOUSLY the other window up.
Yes, yes. If you didn't know by now, I'm a complete nerd. Yes, yes. I'm re-installing World of Warcraft. But don't judge me yet! I have valid reasons as to why I'm doing so.
Shit, I haven't played the game (which is STILL installing) for over 6 months. But that is not the reason why I am re-installing it. No feeling of nostalgia here! No, my cousin and aunt talked me into doing this. You see, Gabe (my cousin) has two sons. Steven & Gabe Jr. (Gabe Jr. came second, but that's another story). Long story short, their mother is a complete crack whore bitch and they need some positive influence in their life.
Hold up... Disc 1 is done, need to insert Disc 2.
Anyway, my aunt bought them World of Warcraft and they are in LOVE with it. Word got out (thanks mom) that I used to play this jasdhb;oiiaDOJKKLJASDF;LJF game, and they thought it was a good idea that I chauffer them around. Eh, I have no problem with that. Though, I have been HEAVILY procrastinating. So, then word got out I have two end-game characters, and the kids are going berserk. In turn, I have to install today and go and play this game with them.
I hope it's as interesting as I remember it... as long as the kids don't catch me slurring profanities off to someone on game, it's all good. (^_^)v

I hope it's as interesting as I remember it... as long as the kids don't catch me slurring profanities off to someone on game, it's all good. (^_^)v

Me & Tochi shitting around x2.
It's a cool game, if you're not anal retentive. And if you're a smoker. The prior two screen shots are of two boss downings. It's just Tochi (the main tank), and I (the main melee damage) havin' a little fun & /flex'ing in front of our kill.
Anyway, if you happen to play this god-forsaken game... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE comment and make me feel less of a social outcast. Knawmeannn?!?!
It's a cool game, if you're not anal retentive. And if you're a smoker. The prior two screen shots are of two boss downings. It's just Tochi (the main tank), and I (the main melee damage) havin' a little fun & /flex'ing in front of our kill.
Anyway, if you happen to play this god-forsaken game... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE comment and make me feel less of a social outcast. Knawmeannn?!?!
I'll leave all the playing up to you.
Though someone tried to talk me into installing it about a year back.
Sounds fun though, just not for me.
I'll stick to flash flash revolution.
-sigh x 3
Ok loser.
... I am not a loser!
nerd. :)
WoW? Really?
No, you can't be any more of a social outcast.
I now know Stacey isn't a passenger on the hater wagon; she drives it.
I wake up and it feels like 90 degrees..
It's how we do it in the hood.
The playlist is killin' son.
Carmine does.
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