Friday, October 17, 2008


Damn... have the last two days been eventful... really made up for 15 days ago.

Let me re-cap, for the 6 people or so that still have this blog opened to them. Feel privileged!

As most know, I cut people off with a quickness. No remorse, especially with women whom lie to my face and have the ignorance to think I won't find out. But that's in the past! PASTPASTPAST, well wishes to those few I actually cared enough to think wouldn't do improper shit. Yes Elisa, that is for you. Yes Mai, that is for you. Yes Lola (Brittney, w/e the fuck your name is), that is for you.

But anyway, I digress. With these recent severing of rope, I come off clean, fresh, and newly even more arrogant due to the fact of my thoughts and feelings being justified. But this post isn't about that. It is about the prior two days in my realm. First off, Thursday...


I woke up very strangely... from a vividly detailed dream entailing two years into the future. The cast of characters being the same. My closest of friends: Mike, Ivan, Ste'phon, & this guy named Toshi; a few unfamiliar faces of women I supposedly knew to some extent, my most recent ex love affair, and myself. Long story short, I was tying the few loose ends I had in St. Louis before I headed off. Myself and Ivan riding in the passenger stopped at a bus-stop due to HIS car breaking down. My hair freshly cut, in the best physical shape of my life, arrogant persona intact... I looked down. There was LOLWUTSHERFACE sitting at the bus stop with her newly acquired plaything. She muttered the words, "I'm glad I'm not attracted to American men any longer", with a smirk. Kissed dude, and looked up at me to see if there were any reaction on my experesionless face. I laughed, cranked my ZUNE louder and went about my business until Ivan got a call and pulled me aside. Simple, it was his sister calling for me. I pass him my mp3 jawn and talk to Maria for a short stint, wondering how many more days it would be until I was in Los Angeles. I gave her a made-up count in order to buy more time with my work in STL and got off the phone with her as the bus came. Come to find out, the two aforementioned at the stop along with us hopped on the bus as well with intentions to sit right next to us. As we rode closer and closer toward the river she said she loved him, and I woke up.

But, that again was just serenely strange. The first thing I did as I awoke was mow the fucking lawn on complete impulse. At 55 degrees, and nothing but shorts and a practice basketball jersey from high school... I clipped it up and made it look nice. Score another healthy pocket.

With nothing else to do, I decided to call Liyah. She's my new resort to phone conversation. I swear I love her, at least that's what it feels like. But not that regular "oh bew ily sooo much" kind of love, but the "understanding on EVERY level" kind of love. And no Liz, that's not referring to you and Carmine either. Thank GOD for her for the past two weeks especially. She helps me cope and reminds me the women that have shed blatant lies from their mouths are not to be forgiven. She keeps my mind sound.

The call interrupted by her class starting, I shaved myself up & took a shower. I swear AXE body wash: Touch is that business. Smells right as hell man. Came out, got dressed, sat down and renamed/downloaded some more music to fuck with. A couple new instrumentals for the mixtape (ROADS). SIDENOTE: ROADS won't be coming out in Nov. Looking at Feb. 2009.***** Anyway, sat down with a nice set of classical music on my playlist and talked to Jayson. A long time friend, haven't heard from him in about a year. Coolest white kid on earth, major weed head. More on him a tad later on... maybe on the update of this blog.

As Liyah got out of class, she hit me up only to be interrupted again by my side of the line. Thursday nights always equal nights when I go out. Destination? The new Hibachi bar.

Father and mother in tow, I figured I'd shell out for the dinner this time. It's only fair. Bad decision as I looke dat the bill afterward LAWL, but it was well enough. We entered and I spotted all the Asian women. I think I about fell over I was smiling so fucking hard. Thank god for Japanese women. Had to sit next to this extremely rude redneck couple and their 4 year old. My father and I jan-ken-po'd for the seat away from the kid. I graciously won. LAWLLALWLALWLALWL. Anyway, our hibachi chef was mad cool. Around my age, we talked about all types of shit. Music, his ethnic background, the whole nine. Mad cool dude... until the tricks flared.

Hibachi restaurants are known for the flashiness fo the cooking right in front of you. Tossing of food into mouths, etc. Well, let's just say he started pouring sake onto the grill and asked me if I wanted some. I was like nawwww, can't do that. He turned to pops and I made him do it since I fell to the humiliation of cathing some egg in my mouth (no brokeback) a few minutes earlier. Turns out my pops can take alot of liqour to the face. He got the equivalent to about 5 - 6 shots of vodka in a 30 second span. Thus his new nickname...


I will never fucking forget that. But, after he was done cooking we said our farewells and the owner asked us a few questions. It's in times like these my mother and I alternate through Italian and Spanish to talk to each other so people can't understand what the fuck we're saying about them. Think... the chinks in the nail salon. But we told him everything was great, cheaper, etc. And we left the restaurant. The waitress was a chick I was fucking in HS, and I'm glad she had the decency to not bring ANYTHING up about us. She wrote her number on the back of the receipt but I threw it in the trash on the way out. Otherwise a fantastic night. I laughed until I fucking cried.

Got home and I have a missed call and voicemail. I thought it was Liyah all Noah-sick. Knawmean?!?! Wrong. It was Nicole telling me I'm hired at Toys 'R' Us. SCORE. Employment, great food, laughter, and complacency. Finally!

I'll update tomorrow on some shit... but I did get the job finalized. I met our hibachi chef at classes today walking around, turns out he goes to my college. Seems I didn't ask if he went to college or not, hah! Oh... and his name is Toshi. Mark up one for the eerieness of my dreams. Not to mention I'm a judge as well. I bet you didn't know that. Go ahead, brag that you know a judge to your friends.

Otherwise, I'll let you go. I know this was a LONG textual post.


Good times, good fucking times...

1 comment:

Definite.Beauty said...

I went to one of those Hibachi bars when I was in Philly last year. My chef was pretty awesome and he flirted with me and made the rice into the shape of a heart and made the heart beat. It was cool.

But anyway, glad to hear the last 2 days have been eventful for you. =]