Friday, June 6, 2008

In Due Time

Tornado warnings for the greater St. Louis area. The worst is over I believe. Glad I got that yard-work out of the way before the flood started, Jesus. Great day today otherwise. I love the rain, it's more calming. Plus, the clouds over casted the sun, so it didn't feel like 120 degrees when I walked outside. Humidity is truly for the loss.

In other news, my parents are leaving for Cali on Thursday for the funeral. Still not exactly sure what the cause of death was. I may have to call Courtney or David to see what was up. Maybe even Uncle Gerald, because people aren't letting the whole picture be seen. Which is type shady in my perspective.

My brother is still in his bitch stance. Irritating at best. He threw a HUMONGOUS fit the other night when the parents put him on lock-down. It seems the kid has no regard for anything anymore, and his main excuse is that he has Aspergers (look it up if you don't know what it is). I find it to be complete bullshit, just off the basis of fact that he's seen the consequences I've obtained over the years for the spectrum of shit I've pulled, and he expects no repercussion. The kid thinks he's the king of the world at this point. And to be quite blunt, he's gonna get hit by a freight train when he gets out to the real-world. I hate to be cliche', but it is forever true in his case. Also, his new computer came in today. Too bad he won't be able to set it up anytime soon, it does seem they set some boundaries on this kid. Good to see he's finally getting punished. Better 17 years late than never, eh?

Started up the job-app process again. I really hate filling out countless job applications. Persistence is key, right? Wrong. Luck is key. And if anyone tells you different, shove something like a cattle brand up their ass to the point where it moves one of their lungs over. But I procrastinate, I did get a couple of good companies to look at. T-Mobile is hiring. Lol @ submitting a resume', ugh. I truly hate gloating about myself. Then again, I am pretty damn fly for a half-white guy. I also app'd at one of the few places I most dread on the Earth. Toys R' Us. I swear I haven't walked into one since I was like 7. But as usual, I have to remind myself... money is money is money is money. I'll take it where I can get it. I'm sure it will stave off some boredom as well. Granted I get the job.

It seems COD4 is having a double-score weekend. Which is good for me, because I'm rarely in a negative deficit Kill:Death ratio. So I figure I'll be getting various calls from NY, and STL to tell me to get online go we can rank up quicker. After a while, the game grows tire-some. And especially frustrating when you're basically known across the servers as one of the best. You find yourself going against people ranging from ages of 7 years old to 50, that resort to cheating to win again you. It's really a pity to see. Even more so when they're cheating and you still kick their asses into the next sequel of the game. So if you have COD4, add the gamertag (bottom right-hand corner of the page), and hit me up. I'm always up to wreck shop.


New playlist! Semi-new. Some of the tracks on there are some of the same. But the new tracks you'll enjoy. Trust me.

Two more days until episode two of VB season 3 rocks my eyeballs out of their sockets! Can't wait, really.

One more thing, Lakers suck.



mai. said...

Lol, COD4. That game. Something crucial.

The Break You off I have that version. Love the song so much.

I never knew Tornado warnings would be anywhere near there.

I feel sorry for your brother still. Because I know he's going to be in for a rude awakening soon and very soon.

Venture Brothers is going to be hilarious. Can you believe my brother hates that show?
What a failure this kid is.

T-mobile would be good for you. Even though you would have to wear that whack ass bright pink button up, you JUST might pull it off. MIGHT.

Lakers do suck.
Boston ftw

CM said...

This song owns my friend
But the rest, the rest! Serves not justice for the first song


CM said...

Oh and
Birdman.. you sleeping on that show meng.
Birdman is a funny ass show
I always watch that after Venture Bros.