Friday, June 20, 2008


As I'm eating my BBQ Bacon Sirloin burger & curly fries from Jack In The Box, listening to Alvin & The Chipmunk's version of I Luv Your Girl, and reruns of last night's ABDC... I can't help but think, this is a perfect time for an update.

Man, look at shawty roll!


Man, yesterday. Carmine got me on that political topic. And we talked for quite a while about the shit. US concentration camps being refurnished. Interesting to say the least. Not to mention the biometric ID system Bush pushed back on 6/6/06 to be able to ID immigrants/foreigners and then further expand it. Mark of the Beast controversy. Don't know if I'm totally in belief, but whatever.

Then we started talking about oil prices, and OPEC. Showed Carmine Dubai. Lmfao, nigga was pissed. How they produce 240k barrels of oil a day, and we get raped for gas over here. I showed him these three pictures of Dubai in 1991, 2005, and 2008. Astonishing shit (look below).

Best part of this is, NYC took 40 years to get a skyline like THIS. It has taken them 17 years (1991 in the first photograph, to 2008 in the last photograph). I still say we drill a hole in fucking Alaska and use our own oil and boost our OWN economy.

And I pray that y'all ain't serious,
Because seriously she's on my dick.

So You Think You Can Dance was disappointing. As was America's Best Dance Crew. thrashed everyone on ABDC. And to be truthful, if it isn't Supreme Soul, SoReal, and A.S.I.I.D. in the final 3, I'm boycotting the show. As for SYTYCD, the wrong people left. Bleh.

Call it envy, I want her on me
All up in my head, now she in my bed like
Ahhhh, ah, ah ahhhh!

STILL in search of a new job, need some money. I've got bills and shit. School on Monday, and visiting my 4-year college tomorrow. I guess I need to stop procrastinating as far as registering for these two classes up there. We'll see what happens, I guess I'll just keep applying for jobs, and keep my mindset on school.

Damn, she bad. Damn, she bad.
I love your girl.

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