Monday, June 16, 2008


It's been a while. Yes; yes it has.

So much, with so little time to put my thoughts in a correct order. So let's base this one on the women that play SOME role in my life. Major, or minor. Doesn't matter. Alphabetical order, let's make shit fair.


You're truly a bitch. And when I use that word, I mean every definition, every slang term/usage. You are truly the dirtiest of the dirty. I don't understand your way of thinking in the least bit, and I most definitely don't understand how you justify your ways of thinking in your little pecan sized bi-polar brain. But it just so happens, everything that pertained with me, you have some impossible excuse and have it filed under the "Fuck Noah" section. Well, cheers to you. Can we finally realize the fact that when we were STILL on that level, and we both know what level we were on, don't play dumb bitch. That you were talking to another dude, point blank period. Nice going pulling a Santana. You hit a home run there. And the funniest thing is, in Santana fashion, you followed through the whole way. And even got cheated on in the end. Yeah, life's a bitch. As are you, you assless freak.


To be honest, everything with you IS awkward. From you telling me you could never see me as anything more than a friend. To then going against what you had said a week prior and telling me you could see us doing relationship things, but not being in a relationship. THEN telling me you really did love me. I mean, c'mon make up your fucking mind. (Did I mention hiding you were with a dude? It wasn't THAT major, but come the fuck on Theodora.) I did want you at a point in time. Actually for the LONGEST time. But let's be honest here. You're as big a slut as the next girl. Sure, you don't go around fucking every dude you see. But you let every dude you're "feeling" into your Billionaire Boys Club skinny jeans, or whatever the fuck you wear now days. It's like you were real as fuck. Then turned into a poser. I don't know, maybe I'm the one in the wrong here. Hell naw, fuck that.


Not ready for a relationship with you again or at all, we really shouldn't be talking in the way we do at night. REGARDLESS. That's all I have to fucking say about that.

The Masses.

Jessica, Laura, Brittney, Ashlee, Ashley, Sondra, & Alysha. You all did one major thing wrong. And that was be too easy. So pack your bags, leave me the fuck alone. Last thing I need is a bitch to play with her pussy on the first night and let me hear her moan. I didn't ask for it, and I certainly didn't initiate the shit. Just let me be. You, and ME... It won't ever happen. In ANY lifetime.

I guess that sums up the emotions on those subjects. They're just really confusing. I guess I'm just frustrated over shit that's happened because Elisa and Aliciana came back. And there are tons of mixed feelings about their situations. Like everything is all jolly and good, when it's really not. I hate that acting shit.

Anyway, I won't be writing about my Aunt. I figure I have all the information I need. If anything will be written, it'll be in cadence. Otherwise, those things are not meant to be discussed.

And to my god daughter, Emoni. You frog-faced fuck, you know I love you. And if another guy is hitting you or your moms. Just let me know. And the same thing will happen to the last guy that did it, ok? Dre, you delay shit too much B.

I guess, I'll check back in...

"It truly is awkward... trust me it has been!
I mean it has been a while, or to you am I a has-been?"

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