Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Ayo, ayo, ayo!!!!

This ain't for you.

Introduction (2 pages)
- Thesis (Completed)
Historical/Explanatory Section (1 1/2 pages)
Point of Argument (1 page)
Negative Critique (2 pages)
Strawman (1 1/2 pages)
Positive Critique (1 1/2 pages)
Conclusion (1/2 page)
Transition Paragraphs (Completed)
Abstract (Completed)

Outline (Completed)
Title Page (
Works Cited Page (Completed)

10-12 page paper, then supplementary pages.

Then I'll be done. LMFAO!!!

EDIT: Done at 12:05 AM. Kiss my ass, yo. 10 pages when each section is tallied up, then the transitional paragraphs push that to 11+. Supplemental pages don't apply to the page count, but they're done as well. Give me THAT shit, nigguh! Now all I have to do is print them off in the morning after I put page numbers on the paper.



Lizzy said...

So in another word, you're gonna sit there on youtube and start working on it at midnight.

NAP said...

Nope, you can see my progress guh!

- BEEBZ - said...

o_O that suckz . jesus . when is it due?

NAP said...

Tomorrow at 8:30 AM.

Adina Renée. said...

shit, i had to write a 15 page paper for my public speaking class last semester.
i bullshitted & got an A too.

NAP said...


- BEEBZ - said...

wompppppp -

*rips up your papers while u sleep

^_^ gotta do it over again

NAP said...

Sent it to 5 different e-mails.