Sunday, August 3, 2008



And it's here.

I'm tired of various shit going on, so let me just run them down one by one. If this hurts feelings, fuck you. Man up.

  • "I need to pee/I'm on my period."
Sorry to inform you, but I don't need to hear that. And it's not just with any specific woman. It's every woman on the face of the earth. They all feel the need to tell me when they need to urinate or when the lining of their uterus is shedding. How about you all shut the fuck up, and find someone else to tell your bodily functions to? Do I tell you every time I have a hard-on from thinking about Eva Mendes? No, I don't. Because it would be frowned upon by you. The same way I look down on women when they speak reckless like that. I mean damn, I had Health class in elementary, middle, high school, and college. I'm sure you have to pee SOMETIME during the day. And I understand you have a period. Awesome, let's leave it at that.

  • Gay people.
You are all annoying as shit. Whether it's a guy posting about how in love he is with another guy's sex (NOOOOO BROKEBACK), or a guy hitting on me as I walk through the mall; you need to stop it. Same goes for the females, the lesbian shit sickens me as well. It's not cute, it's not cool, it's not socially acceptable. If it were socially acceptable, you'd all be able to get married to each other and butt-fuck each other to your heart's content. But that's not the case, because the shit is frowned upon. And it won't be in OUR lifetime that we see society's frown turn upside-down, faggots. I am [] <<--- that close to building a hydrogen bomb, and firing it over San Francisco so your rainbow fag flag capital will lie in ruin and you all won't know what to do. Also, the undercover gayness. You need to cease & desist with the steadfast QUICKNESS. All you undercover homos (you disgusting creatures know who you are, MALE & FEMALE) need to just keep the shit in the closet. "Bisexuality" as well. Guess what? There's no such thing. Pick a side. Sexual orientation isn't a 'sit on the fence' type of deal. Either you stick your dick in the ass of a male, or you're sticking your dick in a vagina. Not BOTH at the same time. It is impossible.

Fucking disgusting.

  • Females whom think they're smarter than males.
It is unfortunately a fallacy. For one, the world is a male dominated planet. We all know this. Two, you niggas still get paid less than males on average just off your gender. If you're smarter, why haven't there been any huge social reforms organized and platformed to correct this? Even black people on welfare are making more money than you. Three, no female was a part of the Manhattan project. If you don't know what THAT is, you just proved my point. DON'T TRY TO GOOGLE IT NOW, you already proved yourself to be dumber than a man.

  • Promises.
I hate people who make promises and don't keep them. Especially ones which hold IMPORTANCE to me. Be it of small or large importance. It's still important. So if you promise you'll do something for me, do it. Don't sit on your ass for 4 months and pretend like you'll ever do it. Because in reality (you know, the world where shit comes to bite you back on the butt) I'm going to dick you over ten times as hard just because I remember you shitted on me with your broken promise. I don't give a fuck what you say about karma, I don't believe in it. You dumb fucking Hindus. I hold grudges, and the people who have broken their promises to me have it coming to them tenfold.

  • Nagnagnagnagcomplainbitchmoaaaaaaan.
If you couldn't tell, that's the female mating call. That's ALL they do. If something can't be provided for them, that's what noise they make. And the funniest part is, they don't realize it's just noise. Then they get mad when us males tune them out. Please, spare us all. Go cut yourself and jump off a very high cliff.

  • Expectations women have for men.
As learned from history, there is one GREAT man about every 500 years. Julius Caesar, Jesus, Atila the Hun, George Washington, Henry the VIII, King David, Napoleon, Brad Pitt. By the way, congrats Brad on baggin' Angelina. That's the only reason you're great. Anyway, you can't expect XYZ dude to be great. Brad Pitt has already filled the next 500 year void of greatness. Ok? Don't expect XYZ dude to whisk you away from your problems. Don't expect him to become a lawyer and get you out the hood. Don't expect him to even dick you right. Because in truth, a woman's expectations are too high. Even if the sex was great, it wouldn't be in your eyes... because your expectations are THAT much higher. Fuck you for expecting too much out of a man. And that's just the TIP of the iceberg.

  • Lastly, conversation.
In truth, I love a woman's conversation. It has it's high points. But boy, oh boy... does it have it's low points. i.e. gossip. Women can't keep their lips from spreading rumors, lies, or stories about anyone. "Did you hear about blahblahblah?" "Well I HEARD she did this with him blahblahblah." Ok. Congrats to dude, why are you telling me? Also, ex-girlfriends that call... what is the purpose? I don't want you around, lose my number. I understand you're bi-polar, clingy, etc. But I want nothing to do with you. Let's leave your mental conditions over where you're at, I have a one personality life to lead over HERE. Then again, it's not only females that do it. It's also the bitch ass males as of late. If you have something to say to me, mother fucker say it. Don't tell your "homeboy/girl" and let it come around my way. Especially in this circle of people. You know it's going to run the usual route, why hide it? You bitch ass niggas.

Yessir. Again, if I hurt feelings... I highly suggest you reach down around your crotch area and check if you have a vagina. If so, go cry in a corner. GG.




stacey. said...


Oh baby Jesus.

Sounds like you live a pretty hard life, bub. What with being nagged to death, assaulted by homos, being a pedophile, living in a rich fantasy life, not to mention mentally handicapped ex-girlfriends? I feel for you. Really. I do.

-sends you a long distance hug-

Don't want to get too close. Don't want to catch whatever you have that attracts THOSE kinds of people. -shudders-

NAP said...

Being a pedophile + living a rich fantasy life = makes no sense.

stacey. said...

Rich fantasy life = females who think they're smarter than males.

CM said...

I think this shit was better than my "the unnecessary shit, women do" post.

- Not hoping on the bandwagon.

LOL @ And the funniest part is, they don't realize it's just noise. Then they get mad when us males tune them out.

Noaaaaaaah hurrtinggg feeeeeeeelings.

NAP said...

What's the Manhattan Project again, Stacey?

No googling, negro.

stacey. said...

Atomic bomb. 'Nuff said.

Actually, you can't even count me knowing that towards the female gender as a whole. I AM a genius and such, it would be unfair to compare me to them.

And get off that bandwagon Carmen!

NAP said...

Nigga you had like 20 minutes to google.


And let's be honest. Being 20 IQ points over the conglomerate of women with the IQs of a rock isn't something to brag about.


stacey. said...

:O @ 20 minutes.


Sounds like you're hating.

Didn't know they had different scales for men and women, learn something new everyday.

NAP said...

Yeah, they make female scales sturdier so the scale can handle the weight of all the bullshit they harbor and keep up their sleeves for nagnagnagbitchmoaaaaaan occasions.

stacey. said...

Nagnagnagbitchmoaaaaaan, eh?

That just ... sounds unpleasant.

NAP said...

It always is!

Lizzy said...

Next time I have to tinkle, I'll be sure to send you a message on yahoo to inform you.

-gives you dirty look

Brooke. ♫ said...

Oh would you stfu & go get some pussy.

NAP said...

I get yours on the regular, wtfzzzzzzz?!?!

mars ™ said...

I'm crying because I just laughed sooooooooo hard.
I'm not going to agree with anything said or disagree.

What is it you say?
"no-fiction" or whatever?
Yeah, non- fiction.